Intuitive Baby Massage

Enhancing infant and parent wellbeing through massage

Enhances Development



Soothe & settle


Why Massage Your Baby

Intuitively you know the importance of touch. You hold and comfort your baby, you cuddle and reassure your children. Massage is simply an extension of what you know as a parent will sooth, settle and calm.

When a parent massages their baby it sets off a cascade of physical, chemical and emotional reactions. Generally, as a result your baby will be more settled, there will be an improvement with sleep and the symptoms related to wind and colic will lessen.

Massage also strengthens parent -infant bonds and you will find that you will also feel more relaxed and connected with your baby.

These benefits are integral to strengthening parent and infant well being, but massage can be so much more. Incorporating massage time into your routine can enhance activities such as tummy time, play and sensory activities.

Also, by coming along to classes you will also connect with other parents and build that very important community of support that every parent needs.

Benefits - Intuitive Baby Massage

Benefits for Baby

Relieving pain and discomfort

With massage comes the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers. This release helps to relieve discomforts associated with teething, reflux and other painful conditions.

Helps relieve wind, colic and constipation

Massaging the abdomen stimulates the elimination of waste from the body and helps ease the symptoms of wind and colic and constipation.

Improved sleep

Massage has been shown to have an effect on the body’s serotonin and melatonin which are the hormones that regulate the sleep cycle. As a result, babies that are massaged on a regular basis tend to sleep better and spend longer time in their deep sleep.

Enhance Motor Development

Babies have little awareness of their body structure and its interconnectedness. Massage improves left/right brain communication and enhances body awareness.

Increases weight in preterm babies

Numerous studies have shown that preterm and low birth weight babies that are massaged will have a greater increase in their weight gain. Massage stimulates the vagus nerve in the brain which in turn enhances gastric mobility.

Assists babies and infants with special needs

Numerous studies have been done that indicate that massage provides significant results for infants and children with conditions such as cerebral palsy, asthma, cystic fibrosis and down’s syndrome.

Reduces stress

Massage stimulates the production of the “feel good” hormones oxytocin and serotonin and also helps to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This has a calming effect on the baby.

Enhances emotions and improves mood

Massage stimulates the production of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a hormone which helps to regulate mood and temperament.

Promotes bonding and trust

Touch is one of a baby’s most developed senses and so a significant form of communication. Massage enhances the connection between infant and parent and builds trust.

Benefits For Parents

Reduces stress

Massage has been shown to reduce parental stress and anxiety. Massage results in the release of the “feel good” hormones oxytocin and serotonin and reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. As a result of massaging the parent will feel more relaxed and calm.

Increases confidence with parenting

Massage helps to increase your confidence in handling your infant and your ability to become attuned to their cues and body language.

Promotes bonding

Infant massage promotes the bonding and secure attachment between parent and baby. Setting aside some time to massage ensures you enjoy some intimate one on one nurturing interaction with your infant

Beneficial for postnatal depression

With massage a mother’s confidence grows, she begins to learn how to communicate with her infant and to learn their verbal and nonverbal cues. It provides time for a positive nurturing interaction with her baby. The massage has of course the added benefit of reducing the mothers stress and stimulating serotonin and oxytocin

For the Dads

Sometimes Fathers can feel unsure when handling their infant or uncertain on how they can be involved in their baby’s care or how to support their partner. Massage is a very effective way of enhancing the father-infant bond through power of touch.


About Infant Massage

Massage is not new. History tells us that Mothers have been massaging their babies for centuries and in many traditional societies massage is an integral part of a baby’s daily routine.

There is now a growing body of research that supports what Mothers have intuitively known. With that there is an increasing interest in this gentle art as parents are becoming more aware of the benefits and bonds that come from massage.

My Story

I am an Infant Massage Instructor, Baby Yoga Instructor and a Paediatric Massage Consultant. I am also a Registered Nurse and with a background in Midwifery and Child Health.

During my time as a Midwife and Child Health Nurse I had the privilege of working closely with families and I have a clear understanding of the many challenges and the joys of parenting. When I had my own children, I found that baby massage could help in alleviating some of those challenges and enhancing some of the joys.

From seeing the benefits of massage firsthand I embarked on further studies to learn more. It was through combining my passion for baby massage and my experience and knowledge from working with families that Intuitive Baby Massage was conceived.

Since starting Intuitive Baby Massage in August 2014, I have conducted private and group sessions and have been able to share my knowledge with hundreds of families. I get so much joy in watching those moments in class when a parent and infant connect. It is because of these powerful connections that I am driven and determined to spread knowledge and skills so every family can benefit.

My babies are now young and independent adults. We still get in the occasional shoulder or foot massage. Those moments of bonding and connection that were formed many years ago are still there today. Remember, baby massage is not just for the babies

My vision is to nurture and support you and encourage you to trust your own intuitive ability to parent.

Jane Tetley - Intuitive Baby Massage

Jane Tetley


The classes at Intuitive Baby Massage are designed to be relaxed and friendly.
You and your baby’s needs are a priority, and the classes are kept small to ensure this occurs.

Group Classes

Baby massage classes are suitable for babies from 6 weeks to pre crawlers. You will learn all the skills and knowledge you need to massage your baby safely and with confidence and to gain from all the benefits it has to offer.

The group classes are a wonderful way of meeting other parents in your area. Alternatively, if you would like to get together with a group of friends I can come to your home for the classes. Your partner or a Grandparent are more than welcome to attend.

Baby Massage

Introductory Session

The one hour Introductory session covers all the basic information you need to massage your baby safely and with confidence.

Class Outline
One Hour Session
  • appropriate oils for baby massage
  • contraindications to massage
  • when and where to massage
  • permission sequence
  • strokes for basic sequence

Baby Massage


The course runs an hour a week for four weeks. Each week builds on the content from the previous week and by the end of the course you will feel confident with the various techniques. Over the four weeks you will also have the opportunity to get to know the others in the group and build your parent network.

Class Outline
Week One
  • appropriate oils for baby massage
  • contraindications to massage
  • when and where to massage
  • permission sequence
  • strokes for legs, feet, buttock
Week Two
  • benefits of massage
  • stroke review
  • chest permission sequence
  • strokes abdomen, chest, arms and hands
  • sequence for colic, wind and constipation
  • mindful parenting
Week Three
  • stroke review
  • strokes for face, head and back
  • tummy time
  • sequence chest congestion
  • developmental milestone
  • massage for the growing child
Week Four
  • review full body sequence
  • enhancing massage with sensory stimulation
  • introduction to stretch and connect

Private Classes

If you are in the Perth metropolitan area I am able to come to your home for either an Introductory session or for the Course.

Private classes offer the benefit of flexibility in the time and day of the classes and the sessions can be tailored specifically to your baby’s needs.
Your partner or a Grandparent are more than welcome to attend.

Baby Massage

Introductory Session

The one hour Introductory session covers all the basic information you need to massage your baby safely and with confidence.

Class Outline
One Hour Session
  • appropriate oils for baby massage
  • contraindications to massage
  • when and where to massage
  • permission sequence
  • strokes for basic sequence

Baby Massage


The private course is run as two ninety minute sessions.

Class Outline
Week One
  • appropriate oils for baby massage
  • contraindications to massage
  • when and where to massage
  • permission sequence
  • benefits of massage
  • strokes for legs, feet, buttock and abdomen
  • sequence for wind, colic and constipation
  • mindful parenting
Week Two
  • stroke review
  • strokes for chest, arms, face, head and back
  • tummy time
  • sequence chest congestion
  • developmental milestone
  • massage for the growing child
  • enhancing massage with sensory stimulation

Educational Sessions

I am available to provide educational sessions to organisations requiring in service such as Day Care Centre and educational providers conducting child related courses. The content and cost would be negotiated according to requirements.

Free Introductory Session

A 15 minute free introductory session via Zoom is available for groups such as Playgroups and Mums Groups. Sessions covers an overview about infant massage and a demonstration of some of the strokes for the legs.

Special Offer

For your chance to receive $25 off your massage course simply get together a group of at least three of your friends and I will come to you and conduct the sessions in the comfort of your own home. The person who hosts will receive $25 off the course cost. Minimum of four (including yourself) is required to be eligible.


    • One Hour Introductory Session – $100
    • Course – Two ninety minute sessions – $240
    • One Hour Introductory Session – $25 per person
    • Course – Four one hour sessions – $100 per person
    Course cost includes
    • Course content
    • Organic Sunflower oil
    • Laminated handout of massage strokes
    • Handouts
    • Access to Private Facebook Page for ongoing support

    All sessions are also offered via Zoom if not residing in Perth metro area.

    Upcoming Classes

    Baby Massage Classes 2024

    Booking and Class details

    Baby Massage Classes

    Mums Groups

    Gather some friends from your Mums group and I will come to you

    Private Massage Classes

    In Your own home

    Learn in the comfort of your own home
    Contact Jane to arrange a time


    Massage Oil

    Organic Sunflower Oil 60ml

    $10 per Bottle

    Gift Vouchers

    Private Baby Massage Course

    Our private classes consist of two ninety minute classes held in the comfort of your own home. Includes oil and handouts.

    Gift Voucher


    Private Introductory Session

    Our one hour introductory session held in the comfort of your own home. It covers the basic massage strokes and strokes for the colic sequence.

    Gift Voucher


    Gift vouchers are available for use within Perth WA metropolitan area. If outside metropolitan area sessions will conducted via Zoom.

    Contact us if you are interested in a product or gift voucher.


    Intuitive Baby Massage

    Tummy Time

    Tummy time is important for your infant’s development.

    Intuitive Baby Massage

    Toddler Massage

    Your toddler will enjoy massage as much as your baby.

    Intuitive Baby Massage

    Baby Focus Relaxation

    Take a little time to relax and focus on the deep connection between you and your baby.

    Intuitive Baby Massage

    Resources for Fathers

    It is essential that Dads have the supports and knowledge they need to navigate the evolving role of Fatherhood.


    What should I bring to class?

    A cushion for you to sit on and a blanket for your baby to lie on. Plus your nappy bag and the thing you would normally carry when out with your baby.

    What if my baby falls asleep or cries?

    Your baby’s needs are a priority. You are encouraged to attend to your baby – feed, cuddle, settle. Dolls are available to use if your baby does not want to be massaged or has fallen asleep. I will recap information at the end of the session if you were attending to our baby and missed any information.

    Who will massage my baby?

    You or your partner will massage your baby. The massage strokes will be demonstrated on a doll.

    Can I bring my own oil?

    Yes. The oil you use is a personal choice and you are welcome to bring your own oil. You will be also supplied with a bottle of oil for you to use in class and take home.

    What oil is used in class?

    You will be provided with a bottle of organic sunflower oil to use in class and for you to take home.

    Can my husband/partner attend?

    Yes. Absolutely. If your partner attends, you can take turns in massaging your baby while the other person follows along on the doll. It would be good if your partner could attend all sessions but is not a problem if this is not possible.

    Grandparents are also very welcome to attend the sessions. Just let me know at time of booking who is attending.

    How do I pay for the sessions?

    Payment can be made via direct deposit, cheque or cash. A deposit is required to confirm booking. Fees are non refundable but can be transferred.

    What if my baby is unwell?

    If you are unable to attend because your baby is unwell we can arrange a makeup session at a convenient time or you and attend session via Zoom.

    Can I come if my baby has been recently vaccinated?

    It is generally advised to avoid massage for a day or so after your baby has been vaccinated as they may be unsettled of have a mild fever. You are still more then welcomed to come along to class but it would be advised that you observe or follow along on one of the dolls rather then massage your baby.

    How soon can I start massaging my baby?

    You can start baby massage from day one. It is of course advised that massage in the early weeks is very gentle and to avoid using oils in the first six weeks. It is generally recommended to have your baby’s six week check before attending class. Newborn Nuture Classes are available for the younger babies from birth to six weeks.


    Raising Children

    Raising Children’s Website is an excellent resource on all things parenting.


    Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) provides support for parents affected by perinatal depression and postnatal depression.


    Ngala provide early parenting and child health resources.

    Australian Breastfeeding Association

    The Australian Breastfeeding Association is a community based support group providing information, counselling and support services for issues relating to breastfeeding.

    Healthdirect Australia

    Healthdirect provides reliable medical information, a symptom checker, and a service finder. The Healthdirect Helpline is a free 24/7 service where you can speak to a Registered Nurse for health information and health advice.
    1800 022 222


    Thoroughly enjoyed this massage course. My daughter and I have included massage as part of our routine.

    This special time that we have always follows a good sleep and one very chilled out baby girl and mum. Jane’s course is terrific fun and also very informative. Highly recommended!


    Loved the baby massage course with Jane. Had some relaxation time for me while learning the moves. Great one to one time with bubs.

    Highly recommend this course.


    I would highly recommend Jane at Intuitive Baby Massage to learn the art of baby massage for your precious little one. My 4 month old son and I enjoyed Jane’s three week massage course at SJOG Subiaco and loved it.

    Her course is very interesting and you learn the massage strokes and the incredible benefits of baby massage in a relaxed and welcoming setting. The course is well paced and the handouts are fantastic to take home to remind you of everything you have learnt.

    Jane is very friendly and relaxed making the course enjoyable for mums and bubs. Massage has become a special part of our day and I’m so pleased we attended the course.


    My baby Elsa and I did the 3 week course and Jane was fantastic. She really went above and beyond what I expected. Elsa was asleep for most of the last class and woke up just before the class was due to finish. Jane offered to stay back afterwards so I could practice the full massage sequence one last time!

    Elsa is loving her massages and it has become a part of our daily routine that I hope we’ll continue as she grows up. I would recommend Intuitive Baby Massage to all.


    Jane is absolutely amazing, she came to my organisation to run a session with my group of young mum’s. We all got so much out of it, and we even got easy to follow information sheets to take home with us. The babies loved every second of it, what an amazing time to bond with our little ones through these massage techniques. Highly recommend her to any one thinking about doing this.

    Eyes Wide Open Peel Youth Services Mandurah

    A massive thank you to Jane for running a brilliant massage class for my mother’s group. You had a calming effect on the babies (and the mums!) the moment you walked into the room. It’s a great way to settle my very active toddler and connect with my 4 month old. Highly recommend!



    Jane Tetley

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    Blossom & Berry
    Intuitive Baby Massage